Endurance Training/Cardiorespiratory
Benjamin J. Mendelson, MS, CSCS, RSCC
Doctoral Student
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, United States
Kyle T. Ebersole, PhD, LAT, ATC
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, United States
Scott D. Brau, DPT, CSCS, TSAC-F
Doctoral Student
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Mukwonago, Wisconsin, United States
Nathan Ebersole
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, United States
Background: The heart rate (HR) at the Respiratory Compensation Point (RCP) has been linked the critical heart rate (CHR), or a HR delineation between heavy and severe intensity exercise. Establishing the CHR is accomplished with multiple exhaustive cycling or running trials. External workload delineations between heavy and severe intensity such as critical power or critical velocity (CV), may be measured in a three-minute all-out test (3MT). To date, it has not been reported if the HR achieved during a 3MT aligns with the HR at RCP (HRRCP).
Purpose: To investigate the HR response during a sprint-based 3MT and compare the HR at critical velocity to the HRRCP.
Methods: Eleven (1 female) participants volunteered for this study (24.18 ± 4.09 yrs, 1.77 ± 0.14 m, 80.54 ± 16.10 kg). Participants completed a maximal treadmill test (MAX-TM) where peak oxygen consumption (VO2PEAK, mL/kg/min), minute ventilation (VE, L/min), and carbon dioxide production (VCO2, L/min) were directly measured using a calibrated metabolic cart system. The Respiratory Compensation Point (RCP) was determined by identifying the break in linearity between VE and VCO2. On a separate day, participants completed a sprint-based 3MT that included repeated 30-meter sprints with switchbacks for three minutes. Sprints were hand-timed, and the average sprint velocity in the final 30 seconds of the 3MT was used to represent critical velocity (CV, m/s). HR (bpm) was monitored continuously using a chest strap. From the MAX-TM, maximal HR (MHRTM) and HRRCP were extracted. Maximal HR from the 3MT (MHR3MT) and average HR at CV (HRCV) were also calculated. Post-exercise lactate (mmol/L) was measured via finger prick in the MAX-TM (LATM) and 3MT (LA3MT). Paired samples t-tests were conducted to identify differences between MHRTM and MHR3MT, HRRCP and HRCV, and LATM and LA3MT. Pearson-product correlations examined relationships between VO2PEAK, MHRTM, MHR3MT, HRRCP, HRCV, LATM, and LA3MT. An alpha of 0.05 determined statistical significance.
Results: Pairwise comparison indicated no significant difference (t10 = 1.19, p = .263) between MHRTM (191.64 ± 7.76 bpm) and MHR3MT (189.00 ± 7.36 bpm). HRCV (184.64 ± 5.61 bpm) was significantly higher (t10 = 4.26, p = .002) than HRRCP (168.91 ± 12.12 bpm) and significantly lower (t10 = -4.71, p < .001) than MHR3MT. LATM (10.90 ± 4.62 mmol/L) was significantly lower (t10 = -3.81, p = .003) than LA3MT (14.95 ± 2.60 mmol/L). Correlation results indicated significant negative relationships between VO2PEAK and HRCV (r = -.63, p = .04), LATM (r = -.73, p = .01), and LA3MT (r = -.65, p = .03).
Conclusions: The results suggest that HRCV during the 3MT represents a severe intensity heart rate that is higher than the HRRCP from a MAX-TM. This indicates that it may not be feasible to determine the HRRCP or critical heart rate from a sprint-based 3MT. Higher aerobic capacity was related to a lower cardiovascular and metabolic load of the 3MT, and the 3MT test may be useful for capturing severe-intensity metabolic load, as lactate response was significantly higher than the MAX-TM. PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS: A sprint-based 3MT may be a practical assessment of critical velocity and severe-intensity work capacity. Monitoring heart rate during the 3MT provides insight into severe intensity cardiorespiratory performance in that a lower HRCV may indicate higher aerobic fitness. Future researchers should investigate how changes in HRCV correspond to changes in VO2PEAK.
Acknowledgements: None