Resistance Training/Periodization
Brad Leshinske, PhD, CSCS*D, CPSS
Divisional Director of Health Sciences
Saint Xaiver University
Glen Ellyn, Illinois, United States
Block periodization is a methodology that has been used within strength and conditioning to elicit specific adaptations in performance. The purpose of this study is to see if block periodization had an effect on performance indicators in high school baseball athletes. twenty-two high school varsity baseball players (mean +/- SD: age = 17+/-.82) performed 16 weeks of block periodization.
Methods: The performance metrics were tested in week 0,8 and 16. The metrics included; body weight (BW), Vertical Jump (VJ), 10-yard dash (10Y), Barbell Squat, Barbell Bench, grip strength, pull up, total weight lifted and relative strength. Training blocks where 2 weeks of isometric training (week 1 10 second holds, week 2 20 second holds), 2 weeks of eccentric training (week 1 5-1-1, week 2 8-2-1), 8 weeks of progressive overload (week 5 70% load, week 6 80% load and week 7 90% load) and 4 weeks of cluster training (4x1x10s rest @85-95%) The exercises performed where all timed and all exercises utilizing the above protocol were done in triple sets allowing adequate time for rest and recovery between sets. A repeated measures Anova was conducted to examine the effect block periodization had on performance metrics. Wilcoxon-signed rank test was used to determine the effect on pre and post testing on relative strength and total weight lifted across the 16-weeks.
Results: block periodization had a significant effect on all performance metrics. bodyweight F(2,42)=20.80, p< .001, vertical jump F(2,42)=9.15,p< .001, 10-yard dash F(2,38)=8.46, p< .005, back squat F(2,36)=23.40,p< .001, bench press F(2,40)=13.14,p< .001, pull-ups F(2,40)=28.94,p< .001, right hand grip F(2,32)=11.00, p< .001 and left hand grip F(2,34)=12.38,p< .001.
Conclusion: these findings suggest that the use of block periodization can be used to increase performance measures beyond strength. Practical Application: Strength and conditioning coaches can look to the block periodization methodology as a way to increase performance metrics across a 16-week program.