Nutrition/Ergogenic Aids
Troy M. Purdom, PhD
Assistant Professor
North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University
Greensboro, North Carolina, United States
Nathan Savage
Assistant Professor
Winston Salem State University
WInston Salem, North Carolina, United States
Chris Wendt
Lab Manager
Winston Salem State Univeristy
Winston Salem, North Carolina, United States
Greg A. Ryan, PhD, CSCS*D, TSAC-F*D (he/him/his)
Associate Dean and Professor of Health Sciences
Piedmont University
Demorest, Georgia, United States
Dora Rice
Undergraduate Student
North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University
Greensboro, North Carolina, United States
brianna Jones
North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University
Greensboro, North Carolina, United States
Collegiate athletes commonly fail to meet daily dietary recommendations to meet their energy expenditure demands, which may lead to low energy availability (LEA). Long-term LEA can negatively affect the body characterized as relative energy deficiency syndrome (RED-S) which includes: gastrointestinal (GI), reproductive, and muscular system degradation. Severe LEA is shown to increase risk of amenorrhea or oligomenorrhea, decreased bone mineral density, and GI distress. The LEAFQ questionnaire is shown agreeable accuracy in evaluating the effects of LEA in female athletes by separating questions into three sections: injuries, GI, and reproductive functions. LEAFQ has a 90% specificity and 78% sensitivity in accurately identifying RED-S.
Purpose: To investigate the prevalence of injuries, GI distress, and abnormal menstruation risk factors in DI collegiate volleyball athletes.
Methods: Seventeen Division I volleyball athletes were sampled: height 175.0±7.9cm, body mass 77.9±20.6kg, body fat percentage 24.8±10.2%, and fat free mass 57.0±7.7kg. Athletes reported to pre-season testing that included demographic information and self-reported symptoms of RED-S using the LEAFQ. Height was measured using a wall-mounted stadiometer and body mass/composition via multifrequency bioelectrical impedance. A risk score of ≥8 is the threshold for LEA risk. Pearson correlations and frequency data were used to evaluate RED-S prevalence (mean + SD); significance set at (p < 0.05).
Results: The LEAFQ composition score indicated that 50% of athletes were positive for RED-S (8.2±3.5). No significant correlations were found despite a negative moderate relationship with body mass (r= -0.39 p =0.14, CI: 0.14,-0.74). 14/16 of athletes reported feeling gaseous/bloated independent of the menstrual cycle. However, of the 14 observed with GI distress, 50% (7/14) were also at risk for LEA while 37% reported cramps or stomachache unrelated to menstruation. Of those with LEA risk, 50% (4/8) reported experiencing menstrual changes with increased exercise intensity, duration, and frequency while 44% of all athletes report being amenorrhea for >3 months.
Conclusion: 100% of those with LEA risk reported experiencing symptoms consistent with RED-S. GI distress symptoms seem to be a more prevalent indicator of LEA risk, while abnormal menstruation is a less prevalent indicator of LEA risk. LEA did not seem to impact injury risk in this sample. However, LEA can adversely affect athletes’ health. PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS: It is important for coaches, staff, administrators, and athletes to become educated about the negative effects and preventative strategies of LEA. Evaluating the prevalence of GI distress and abnormal menstruation throughout the competitive season could enable allied athletics staff to educate athletes of the abnormal health and performance effects of LEA and RED-S.
Acknowledgements: NCAT Volleyball Team